Li-Ning Clothing EU or Asia Sizes

Li-Ning Clothing EU or Asia Sizes

Démarré par bana, 28 Novembre 2014, 08:52

Dear Badmania-Team,

the sizes for the Li-Ning clothing on this webpage are ASIA or EU sizes?

I am asking because the sizes in Germany for Li-Ning are usually ASIA sizes since Li-Ning mostly prints only one sizes (the asian one) on their clothing.

All the best.

Hi Bana,

The clothing sizes available on our Li-Ning products are european sizes. We automatically apply a correction on each Li-Ning clothing in order to make them fit with our standards.

It means that you can order your normal clothing size on ;-)
Category Manager Europe - adidas badminton

Hi Ivan,

thanks for your answer. Since I haven't ordered at Badmania yet I want to go sure since I'm living in Germany. I have already a few other Li-Ning clothes from Germany and noticed that Li-Ning only writes one size on ther products, for instance Yonex writes always EU US and ASIA sizes.

So if I understand you correctly the equation is

Badmania-Li-Ning Size = Original-Li-Ning-Size + 1   ?

Citation de: bana le 28 Novembre 2014, 13:51
Badmania-Li-Ning Size = Original-Li-Ning-Size + 1   ?

Hi Bana,

yes, it's right :)
Quand l' on devient calme et serein à l' intérieur, le monde devient calme et serein aussi...

Not exactly. In fact, when we receive a Li-Ning Clothing in size XL, we register it in size L ;)
Category Manager Europe - adidas badminton